Friday, June 20, 2014

I hate time zones

I really hate time zones. I mean when I wake up at 6:00am it's 2:00pm where my friends are and then when I get home at like 9:0pm it's like 5:00am for them and I'm like AHHHHHUUHHGGASDIFICLGH WHY ISNT ANYONE ON (TToTT) and it totally sucks because I'm all like.......all by myself, blogging, reading fanfiction. IVE GOTTEN INTO THAT LATELY I FORGOT HOW ANNOYING IT IS WAITING FOR UPDATES!!!!!  I don't have jet lag....probably because I'm nocturnal and I'm good with two three hours of sleep......yeah that's probably why....


Time zones are AWFUL. I hate them. 

--Gabs <3

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