Saturday, June 21, 2014


29 List ten people dead or alive you would invite to dinner and include the menu

Holy shit.......only ten and can they be fictional?

1. Nash greir 
2. Hayes greir 
3. Carter rynolds
4. Cutiepiemarzia and pewidepie 
5. Danisnotonfire
6. amazing Phil
7. jack j and jack g ( jack g would come with jack j I mean let's be serious)
8.Jenna marbles
9. Brent rivieras 
10. Strawberry103 (this is an amazing girl who got me through so so much!!) 


Appetizers: ceaser salad, freanch/garlic bread, miso soup

Main course: corn beef with mashed or baked patatoes, lemon chicken with grilled asparagus, steak with green beans, honey baked ham with salad

Desserts: chocolate cake, choco geloto, pocky, Mint chip icecream 

Drinks: lemonade, root beer, sprite, seven up, coca coloa, Pepsi, cherry dr. Peper

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