Wednesday, June 18, 2014


25 someone who fascinates you and why

It's not hard for me to be fascinated by things and people. But probably a person who I'm fascinated by is probably my friend Lucy. She great I love her to death but she can be crazy for instance we were in the mall and BOOM. She starts to plan out my future of how I'm going to live in a trashcan not next to taco time and how I'll get free food and if I don't want it I'll just growl and how my eyes will just be the only thing you can see outta the trashcan. But I'm not a homeboy I'll be a multi millionaire. Yep also she almost walked outta the store Lucy because she thought she owned it. I love her so much but sometimes I can't wrap my head around her thinking.

26 if I had $1,000,000 how would you spend it

Ok first thing about me....I'm a shopiholic I'm an impulsive buyer so I just want everything. But if I had a million dollars I might just buy all the clothes I want from Japan, books, candy. I'd also probably spend it on other things.....I don't really know what I would buy......hmmmm....

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