Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Day 24-30 (kind of, I'm doing one day seperately): Tara

Day 24: Your favorite movie and what it is about.
Although I L-O-V-E White Chicks (Thank you for showing me that FABULOUS movie blackrabbit!!!), my other, toppest of the top, favorite movie is... 'drumroll please!'... How to Train Your Dragon 2 or Tangled. I'm a teensy tiny little itty bitty a lot a ton very really extremely indescisive. Sue me, I don't have a favorite.

Day 25: Name someone who fascinates you, and why.
Myself? I like to learn things about myself and take online quizzes and stuff. Not legitimate, but fun.

Day 26: If you had a million dollars to spend, how would you spend it?
Put it in a TON of different savings accounts. Safety on the money! I would donate some to charity, and use the rest on college for my brother and I, then spend some on whatever luxury desire I want, give some to my parents, and have the rest for an emergency.

Day 27: A problem you have, or had in the past.
Procrastination and disorganization. Kinda basic, but they're still two big problems for me.

Day 28: Something that you miss.
Elementary school.

Day 29: Will be done in a seperate post. Comin' soon!

Day 30: Your goals for the next 30 days.
To have fun, enjoy summer, and get more flexible, because I am not flexible AT ALL.

-Thonk ya for reading. By: Tara

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