Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Blackrabbit's right!

Everything happens so much faster now. I mean, the past two months feel like half of that time. It's so weird that summer's over in a month. I feel like there's still so much left to experience. What happened to having summer adventures? All I ever do is go on my phone. I need to do something memorable in August...... Any ideas? For anybody reading this, make a goal for the rest of the summer. At least try to make something of this summer. Have fun, pick up a new hobby, and maybe make a new friend. In the words of a skit about being healthy on Disney channel: Try It!

The one, I repeat, ONE good thing about going back to school is all the shopping you get to do. Not to sound totally cliche or anything, but it's actually really fun to go back to school clothes shopping if you go with the right person/people *cough*Tara and blackrabbit*cough* :D
Yeah. That's my PSA


PS: My dad picked up a new backpack for me at Adidas. Yay! My old one kinda really broke last year (gee, thanks geometry textbook), so I needed a new one. This one's red instead of purple, but who cares? It's a backpack and it has these neat load-bearing strap things that make everything like 10 pounds lighter (I'm exaggerating, it's more like anywhere between 2 and 5.). My backpack last year weighed about 20 pounds. I'm not exaggerating. It really did. But it felt like less, thanks to my awesome backpack :D

--still the Gabster

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